5 Collagen Myths Busted!

Collagen Supplements, Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea, Collagen for Skin hair and nails, Australia's best collagen tea
Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea reveals the top myths of collagen

5 Collagen Myths Busted!

We wanted to break down the confusion for you on how to start enjoying and benefiting from collagen in your daily lives. There are many collagen products, myths and misinformation out there, so you must always do your research when looking to take a supplement, and of course consult your medical advisor….  So let’s look at the top 5 myths all about collagen…..

Myth Buster 1 – Can you put Collagen on your skin?⠀⠀

The plain answer: You can, but does it do anything? One of the biggest myths about boosting your collagen levels is that you can apply it directly to the skin. There’s so many body creams, lotions & moisturisers containing collagen claiming to boost collagen levels, whilst these lotions topically applied will help moisturise the skin, as a humectant – that’s about the whole extent of what they can do, as these collagen molecules are just simply too big to cross into the lower layers of the dermis (skin) and are of no real value or use, (collagen has molecular weight making it too large to penetrate the top layer of skin). Applying collagen topically isn’t shown to stimulate collagen synthesis or growth from the inside… it is a great humectant, and a great way to hydrate the outside of the skin!
Collagen is a major component of your skin, and plays a role in strengthening skin, plus helps to benefit skin elasticity and skin hydration.  As you age, your body produces less collagen, leading to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles. So when asked can Collagen Creams Smooth Wrinkles? The answer really is – collagen creams only work on the skin surface and, like other moisturisers, mainly slow the rate of water loss from the skin and help keep the skin supple from the outside.

Myth Buster 2 – You cannot restore your body’s’ own collagen!

Want to k now the truth? Well yes you CAN boost collagen levels in your body with active ingredients and supplements….. Your body does not stop producing collagen as we age, rather, it is the rate of natural collagen production that is reduced as we age…. we lose about 1% to 2% per year from our mid 20s!! This reduced level of collagen production cannot be increased by the topical application of typical collagen creams.  Instead, collagen production needs to be stimulated by taking premium collagen supplements and products!! Simply…. you need to consume collagen, and regularly to gain the benefit – it’s all about consistency!  We suggest trying Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea…  organic tea infused with hydrolyzed collagen peptides…. and we recommend drinking two cups daily to build up the collagen levels in your body. You’ll not only gain the benefits of collagen but also the boost from the powerful antioxidants from tea!! Your skin will love you!!

Myth Buster 3 – Collagen can’t be absorbed by the body in its whole form.

Actually collagen proteins must be broken down into smaller peptides, or amino acids, before they can be absorbed…. and as such, collagen contains the amino acid hydroxyproline that’s unique in youthful skin. Prolyl-hydroxyproline, a collagen fragment, can also help trigger skin cells in vitro (in the cell), when absorbed, to produce more hyaluronic acid, a key component that’s important for boosting the skin’s water content and wrinkle free looking skin ( that skin that you have when you’re younger), when absorbed!! This is why it’s important to ingest hydrolyzed collagen peptides in your daily routine, so your body can ingest the collagen, and as such, we look at products that use premium, concentrated hydrolyzed collagen peptides like the collagen infused blends of Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea, where you can drink the benefits easily, and with regular consumption your collagen production and levels are facilitated by drinking a delicious tea that has been formulated to support your complexion goals with the boost of antioxidants as well!

Myth Buster 4 – Vegan Collagen questions….

For those looking for a vegan collagen product, you should be informed that collagen is actually derived from animals. That’s where you’re seeing bovine, marine and even porcine collagen peptides in the market.  We can see many vegan “collagen” products out in the market that claim to support collagen production, but they don’t actually contain ‘collagen’, it’s synthetic, so it does raise the question whether the scientific facts are there to justify that vegan collagen works and whether the science can support the claimed health benefits. Do your research and read the reviews.

Myth Buster 5 – Marine collagen is better for anti-aging than Bovine Collagen….

Which to choose? We hear this a lot!  Actually, there isn’t any research that dispels or proves that bovine collagen sources are better absorbed than marine, or vice versa. We don’t believe there’s any research showing one is better than the other with scientific results and clinical outcomes. What it actually comes down to is your personal flavour preference for a bovine or marine source of collagen,  and if you can taste the marine collagen in your drink or product, where marine can tend to have some natural flavour compared to bovine, (unless it’s a really premium marine collagen) you really won’t know the difference. Collagen peptides should be tasteless and odourless, so with products like Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea, who use premium bovine collagen that is flavourless, odourless and colourless, you won’t even know you’re drinking it and will only enjoy the flavour of the tea blend of your choice!

We hope that this article helps you a little more in your quest and research to find the right collagen product for you, and gives you some more topics to research and look into.  Many women and men around the world are regularly taking collagen and are gaining the benefits of improved skin, hair and nails, reducing the signs of ageing, and enjoying the increased health of their ligaments, tendons, joints and bones.

Are you already taking a collagen supplement? Tell us about what brand, type and results you’re seeing in the comments below.


Written by Sam Arcadipane, the Founder of Fusspot Collagen Beauty Teas. Sam corporate life to pursue her own business and the dream of offering women something just for them – a little time out with a cup of tea that is also great for your skin – but no ordinary cuppa, a tea infused with hydrolyzed collagen peptides to support and enhance your skin, hair, nails, joints, bone and beauty from within. Having spent the 12 months developing this range of 11 blends, all infused with collagen and formulated with a Tea Master, she created various organic blends that support your skin and complexion goals with a variety of organic herbs, tisanes, botanicals and plants that will also assist your sleep, energy or detox needs. There are loose leaf teas, environmentally friendly and biodegradable teabag blends, and a chai and a matcha powder blend.   You can find out about the powerful benefits of each collagen infused blend here:  www.fusspottea.com   or follow on Instagram at @prettylittlefusspot  


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