Why I am not a traditional psychologist

People seem to have an impression of psychologists. Usually plain white walls, maybe their degrees hanging…

If you take one supplement during your pregnancy…make it this one

Folic acid comes up a lot in my patient consultations; people are often unsure if they…

The Simple Step to Building Unshakable Confidence in Yourself

Any Change Can Rock Your Confidence Whenever you are faced with making a potential change in…

7 ways to overcome sexual performance anxiety

What is performance anxiety?  We all get nervous from time to time; Nervousness is a natural…

The Truth About Hypnosis

As I sat upright in the darkness, the clock ticking in the background, I could hear…

Do we really need comfy beds?

Do we really need comfy beds, black out curtains and soft pillows and duvets to help…

3 Simple Steps to De-Stress

Feeling angry? Snapping at the kids? Struggling to concentrate at work? Feeling overwhelmed? Sounds as though…

My Friend is Depressed! How can I Help?

“Have you seen Kylie lately?” “Not since Tim’s party a month ago, and she was really…

Easy, natural relief from cold sores

I’ve been very lucky in that I have never had a cold sore, however I know…

Tips to help increase sex drive  

It’s common for your sex drive to fluctuate throughout your lifetime with many factors such as…