It’s Not Them, It’s You: Unlock Your Potential

We’ve all been there. That situation where we just can’t seem to catch a break. We…

5 Ways To Escape The People-Pleasing Mindset

Being a people-pleaser has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. It can be beneficial…

Tips to embrace that inner morning-person in yourself

After reading that Richard Branson gets up at 6.00am to go for a run most mornings,…

Company Culture–What’s The Point?

We didn’t really have a formal ‘culture’ for the first…many years of our existence.   I had…

Business Growth – Doesn’t matter the size of the Business – The Key is in the Approach

  It’s True – whether a Large Multinational or a one person Professional service – the…

Ways You’re Letting Your Fear of Rejection Stop You and What to Do About It

Do you find yourself avoiding rejection? Do you have a rejection list of the people you…

Living Life Unfiltered In The Social Media Age

Living life unfiltered is a way of living that can be summed up by being authentic…

The Psychological Benefits of Being Kind

Kindness has been proven to be good for your mental health. What we know about the…

Stress – awareness, signs, and self-care

What is stress? “If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to…

Building a Healthy Body Image One Step at a Time

One of the biggest problems in today’s society is body positivity. The media and social media…