A Balanced Life

As an Osteopath and Coach I advocate an 80/20 principle (good/not so good) of balance in life,  but as a fallible human I don’t alway manage it and achieve 60/40 if I am lucky. There is no such thing as perfect so do not confuse balance with perfection, as long as you strive to get back to a better ratio.  Often in life it is accepted that we just get on with it and what will be will be – is that your way of operating? Maybe there is a better way to achieve balance.

We often talk about work life balance but what is that – certainly following events of the last couple of years and world changes where our lives were thrown out of harmony this has been something we may now begin to focus on. So how do we regain the balance and get to a place where we are doing the best for ourselves? That place of balance in life?

Conflicting information 

There is so much conflicting information as to what is good for you – whether it be the latest and best diet: paleo, intermittent fasting, low carb, what is the best form of exercise; fixed indoor bike, weight lifting, HIT training, yoga.  It can all be so contradictory and it is no wonder we get confused and do not know how to regain or achieve balance.

Our bodies are designed to move

The reality is our bodies are designed to move both mentally and physically. Any type of regular movement is good for you – especially if you enjoy it and thus stand a chance at doing it consistently.  Walking, swimming, running, pilates and regular gardening are all good options .  Our minds cannot be forgotten and  neuroscience research suggests that meditation and mindfulness helps to strengthen neural pathways, as well as have effects on emotional regulation, complex thinking, improve sleep, reduce blood pressure and pain tolerance to name a few benefits. 

5 easy things to do 

So how can you create balance in your life? Here are 5 easy things to address

  1. Eat healthy – good nutritious foods that will feed your body and not deplete it and promote energy
  2. Movement/exercise – do something that you like and you are more likely to do it consistently and help to release those happy hormones 
  3. Sleep – regular good sleep whatever that means for you will help the body to rest and repair
  4. Take time out/give yourself a treat – all work and no down time will ensure that life is out of balance.  Go for a massage, pedicure, buy some flowers, read a book for a few hours
  5. Socialise – catch up with friends/family and have fun – we are social beings (do remember to have some me time out on your own on occasion too!)


The important consideration is that you are creating balance in your life and thus having a positive impact!  Cut out those things that don’t work for you and reassess – it’s what I am going to strive to do too! What about you? What will be your first thing to address?

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