Motorists Beware!

People who drive with their fog lights on when there’s no fog can be stopped by…

The BBC Licence – Extortionate Ransom on Pensioners!

The BBC waited until they had upped the Television Licence to an exorbitant or if you…

Insurance – It’s All Pay – But No Cover!

I always wonder why we mortals pay sums of money to Insurance Companies who make every…

Class Distinction!

Don’t get too excited over the title of this piece as it has been alleged that…

Of Mice and Men!

A phrase often used for all sorts of circumstances and the Government Members come to my…

Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes!

Eastbourne Gilbert and Sullivan Society will be performing “The Gondoliers” at Devonshire Park Theatre, Eastbourne from…

Miss Marple versus The Sound of Music

Has anyone been watching the re-run Miss Marple on ITV3?  I was just wondering whether I…

Downing Street Circus – One Ring Mistress and Lots of Clowns

What does the rest of the world think of us?  They are complete maniacs and quite…


The joys of walking is one of the better ideas I have taken up again, having…

It Sounds Like Sour Grapes!

The two letter writers on the OPINION PAGE of the Hailsham and Eastbourne Herald seem to…