Jacqueline Gallazzi-Ritchie is Director of the boiler service, repairs, and replacement provider All England Gas. Here,…
Category: Ask The Experts
UK Government’s plans for EU trade marks & designs in the event of a no-deal Brexit
As you will know, under the leadership of Boris Johnson, the new UK government has until…
How a no deal Brexit could affect your SME
Andrew Dark is the Director and Co-Owner of Custom Planet, a young and successful UK printing…
Revealed: Higher Salaries Do NOT Boost Staff Loyalty
There is no clear correlation between high salaries and job longevity according to new research by…
Getting to the heart of “No-Deal”
The terms “No-Deal Brexit” has been used so much over the last year that…
Those Living ‘Unbanked’ & What That Means For Financial Inequality
Inequality is a major issue around the world. However, it is even worse amongst…
Boris Johnson Will Be An Impotent Prime Minister: $12bn Global Financial Adviser
Boris Johnson will be an impotent Prime Minister – but his impotency is his not-so-secret…
The ‘Genuinely Self-Employed’ Need Not Fear IR35 Changes
From April 2020, the responsibility for assessing IR35 status will shift from contractors to the…