Celebration or Commiseration!

Believe it or not I was once facing an enemy that was advancing and we few personnel were to defend our Station from an imminent attack – but that was a long time ago – I was only 19 years of age – newly posted and into (as best described) like a Swarm of Bees and wanting what, we never did found out.  I am not what you would call a hero, but I was wounded in the conflict I was involved in and I did get awarded with a medal to show off on special days.

V E Day happened on the 8th May 1945 when all hostilities ended in Europe and our Government have changed the May Day festivities to suit the Birthday or celebration of V.E. Day without sufficient notification to the organisers of the usual May Day annual event.  All is lost in the wake of a Government out of touch with the people they are supposing to be serving in this country.  It’s just typical of this Government!  No thought given.  They just go their own sweet way without a care in the world.  The company that had printed all the calendars well in advance have had to scrap millions of calendars and start afresh.

The Conservative Government state that to give FREE TV licences would mean they would have to spend £745 Million which doesn’t equate to the number of casualties during World War 2 – But they seem to be able to lose BILLIONS ON BREXIT and not turn a hair or twitch even and this my friends is your TAX that you pay through the nose in several forms and shapes like VAT, ROAD TAX, HOUSE TAX, WINDOW TAX (RICH PEOPLE EXEMPT FROM THIS TAX).  No wonder the BACKERS OF THE CONSERVATIVES WANT THEM TO STAY IN POWER!

The latest debacle is the GOVERNMENT are blaming the BBC and the BBC are blaming the GOVERNMENT for allowing FREE LICENCES to be given to the over 75’s in the first place!

Believe it or not the sacrifice made by millions in WW2 for a better world hasn’t happened yet as promised by those in power at the time!!!

Maybe we should all refuse to pay, end up in prison or fined even more money that we couldn’t afford to pay in the first place and there are some who are on the poverty line who can’t pay because they have never been looked after properly and we all know the Government doesn’t play fair and always on an uneven pitch and they always seem capable of widening the goalposts as well.

I have had to battle with my own war, having suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for 60 years, but not one penny have I claimed for my disability – because I wouldn’t get it – this Government have laid down very fierce rules that you have to be crawling or practically dead before getting financial help!  Don’t get me wrong I am not after a free handout because there are people with more serious symptoms than I who are struggling to get what they deserve in the way of compensation.

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

Just to set the record straight I do not get paid for writing this column – it is for the love of the job and trying to put right the things that are definitely wrong!

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