Financial Freedom Explained: Meet the writers

ClaytonClayton Daniel

Enjoy today. Relax tomorrow.

These four words define the meaning of why I am a financial adviser. For too long I have seen people either eagerly throw away today in order to benefit tomorrow, or be too caught up in the moment to ever think of their future. I consider myself the peace broker of both. If you have spent your entire life at work, it’s probably time for a holiday. If you have just arrived home from your sixth around the world trip, then let’s talk about what tomorrow looks like.

Starting out as a tax accountant and moving on to para-planning for Self Managed Super Funds, one of my key strengths is my knowledge of Australian taxation and superannuation law. I am now the director of Hillross Silverstone, a boutique financial advice firm aimed at long term strategic financial advice specifically for affluent and active people. Designed to maximise, consolidate and simplify your financial life.


JaneJane Horn

Jane Horn started her career in the IT industry in 1995. This is when she commenced consciously learning about investments and purchased her first blue chip share and then joining the financial industry in 2001.

Jane is author of Mindful Money and owns and operates her own financial planning business.

The fascination around life, money and people started early in Jane’s life. She grew up on a farm, riding horses and bush walking.  Jane discovered through illness and injuries – coming close to being disabled not once but twice – how valuable it is to appreciate the life we have and how some of the simplest things in life are the most important, just like being able to walk through the long wet grass in spring. These experiences heightened her awareness of her own life and people generally.

Growing up on a farm Jane did learn to work hard, but she also developed an enormous passion for home-grown foods and the bush. While on the farm, money never seemed to be in large supply; however that didn’t stop the family from having a fabulous lifestyle full of adventure with family and friends.

Over the years, Jane found she was not immune to the confusion, stress and anxiety that can develop around money and saw that many people were in the same boat. Jane recognised how intertwined life and money is in our society. She also realised that if our money mindset is not in line with our own personal values and goals in life, then our way with money can slow our ability to enjoy life and achieve personal success (or stop us all together).



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