Have We Learned Anything?

War Without Peace!

There are so many things that are happening again in our world – races of people who want to rage war on their fellow men and the destruction of innocent people and buildings.  It doesn’t make any sense at all.  These two nations can’t seem to get on together and for what reason this time that this outbreak has happened.  It can’t be worth the misery and heartbreak on both sides of the boundary.  Not only do they have to rebuild their cities, towns and villages, they will have to come to some understanding and trust that both sides keep to their end of the peace bargaining factor.  People shouldn’t have to live in fear and go through the horror of yet another war in these modern times. It was an outrageous liberty fought by two world wars that preceded other useless wars to make people understand it was an appalling situation and the loss of life was counted in millions on all sides – so how far has the world progressed in learning a lesson?

Love’s Labour Lost!

To list one of Shakespeare’s plays it is no wonder that the Labour Party is in a chaotic mess since the results of local Borough and District Councils.  This has to be brought to the notice of their leader because he tried so hard to argue against whatever the Prime Minister suggested the best way to go with the Covid-19 pandemic and everything else that was motioned.  Perhaps during this tiring time he would have found it easier to agree instead of whinging, moaning, whining and generally arguing all the time.  That is not what I call leadership. If there are any changes to the Labour Party it should be the leader.  Those Labour Councillors who lost their place on their respective Councils should not be the ones to be punished.  It is like football teams who keep losing games, it is always the managers that are sacked – what a strange situation!

Covid-19 and Variants

The Covid-19 and its variants seem to rampage in certain areas in the United Kingdom and lots of people are throwing caution to the wind by not wearing a mask or keeping to the two metre gap!  It is not only the unbelievers, but some old  and young are adamant that everything is okay and they intend to break the rules and thereby we are going to hold onto this disease two ways.  We all know that this dreadful pest for want of a better word is going to be with us probably forever, but why taunt the situation with flagrant disregard to its existence with its lethal concoction of death that has already claimed so many persons.

The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so! – Swear words are not accepted.

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