How you can travel more sustainably in 2021

With 1.4 billion people travelling globally each year, a number expected to hit 1.8 billion by 2030, it only seemed natural to me to try to help travellers curb their carbon footprint – and do so in the smoothest way possible.

This gave me the idea for my business, which I launched this year, with the goal to transform the field of conscious tourism and make it accessible to all. With the growing collective environmental awareness and travel accounting for 8% of global carbon emissions, I wanted to make it easier for conscious travellers to find destinations and experiences that are environmentally friendly, ethical, positive and socially inclusive.

After months of research I designed a platform for the responsible travel community and eco-curious consumers wanting to make a change. This starts with indexing lodgings, restaurants and activities that are engaged in sustainable tourism, but also detailing the businesses’ green credentials, giving access to travel reviews and allowing people to share their own experience. I believe in community, and that travellers themselves love recommending the places they enjoyed, to encourage sustainable tourism.

With the need for sustainable travel options growing so much the last few years, I created the travel platform as a practical solution for climate conscious travel consumers, and to give visibility to sustainable tourism professionals all over the world.

My goal is to make sustainable travel as easy as possible, and allow responsible travelers to find eco-friendly hotels, green restaurants and ethical tourism activities all in one place.

As a conscious traveller myself, I was never quite sure if the financial benefits were going directly to local communities, and I struggled to find companies that were truly sustainable. My trips abroad would be at odds with my earth-friendly lifestyle at home. And I know I’m not the only one who struggled with this. After talking to many people sharing the same issues, I realised that today’s travelers have become far more conscious about the effects of climate change, pollution and unethical tourism practices.

This awareness has led to travellers wanting to have a positive impact when they travel, not only on the environment but also on the local economy and communities they visit.

I believe travellers are willing to discover the world or even their own country the sustainable way, and that’s why we created the platform. To help them find experiences that fit with their conscious lifestyle.

I also want the platform to play a role in raising awareness and highlighting the benefits of making sustainable choices while you travel.

Are you a climate-conscious traveler struggling to plan an eco friendly trip? I’d love to hear from you!

By Sophie Castelain, founder of Holiable, the eco-friendly travel platform, making it easier for conscious travellers to find experiences that are environmentally friendly, ethical, positive and socially inclusive.




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