Defining success, making it happen and keeping it going is still harder for women – the data proves it… Only 15% of funding goes to teams with at least one female founder. According to research by BCG, women who do get funded receive less than half as their male counterparts but deliver more than twice as much per dollar invested. The reality is that entrepreneurship for anyone is hard, but for women to start and grow a successful business is even harder.
This means we need even greater intentionality. If there’s something you would like to make happen, if there’s a dream you’d like to pursue, then actions must align with that goal. Conscious, decisive intentions drive great habits, the underpinnings of sustainable success.
To celebrate International Woman’s Day, I wanted to share the top 5 lessons I’ve learned through 7 careers (8 if we include raising 3 children) for making it work. Easily remembered as CAPES, these were learned through mistakes, trials, and errors along the way. CAPES maximise the chance of success whilst you juggle it all.
1. Challenge – Research has shown that brain elasticity allows us to form new neural networks throughout our lives. Every time we learn something new, we form new connections. We cannot get complacent but must bravely push up the vertical learning curve to stay sharp.
2. Accept – Working mothers often feel frustrated by the trade-offs they make, feeling they are not the best they can be at any given role or any given time. Stop waiting for perfection, and accept your personal bests, whatever your circumstances.
3. Pivot – There is a critical balance between keeping your eye on the goal and being flexible in your journey to get there. You will need to pivot and adjust more times than you can possibly imagine. As long as the direction of movement remains correct, pivot and keep going.
4. Engage – Stay engaged before, during and after the various parenting phases you may experience. Leaving your work community completely, you risk losing confidence, contacts and credibility. Find a way to consult, learn, support or volunteer until you are ready to give more.
5. Surround – The people around you should help drive your success. They will come in different guises and play different roles. The most important are those who mentor, those who support and encourage, and those critical people who keep you honest. Make sure that those in your circle help rather than hinder your ambitions.
I have just started on a new journey, and success is a goal once again. I have a magnet on my fridge that reads: “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.” This International Women’s Day let’s work together as we all embrace that fulfilling journey.
Dafna Bonas, Founder of Indie Bay Snacks