Kat Loterzo: 5 More Ways to Let Money Flow!

making-moneyIf you’ve ever found yourself struggling to achieve the financial abundance you desire, trust me: I can relate. I was over 100k in debt and battling to keep my head above water before I eventually turned things around and created my 7-figure online business. In this series, I share how. If you missed Part 1 you can read it here.

We covered:
•    Money Cannot Be the Focus
•    Train Your Money Muscle Every Day
•    You Can’t Create Wealth from a Place of Wrong Service
•    Deliberately Ignoring Debt and Lack
•    Money Needs a Focus: Give it One
•    Ask, Believe AND Receive: You must Do all 3

So let’s get into it! Here are 5 MORE ways to let the money flow.

5) Trust

That’s it really. For this to work you have to CHOOSE to trust, and to have faith. Faith, trust and belief – all that stuff IS a choice. So decide to own it, now.

4) Do the Mother-Freaking Work!

In a conversation about money, particularly when that conversation is geared towards the internal work you need to do to make money, it’s very easy to ignore one big and REALLY important thing – if you want to make money you DO need to do the mother-freaking work! You need to be of SERVICE to people. You need to be HELPING people. You need to be making a DIFFERENCE. All the manifesting and believing and allowing in the world ain’t gonna do jack all if you’re not also PUTTING STUFF OUT INTO THE WORLD AND ASKING FOR MONEY IN RETURN!!

But do so from a place of alignment …

Of doing your soul’s work …

Of doing what you were BORN to do …

And of starting now.

Wealth tip: Assign a minimum of an hour a day, and preferably two, to create and be of service to your tribe. This could be writing, speaking, creating free or paid content, communicating and helping on forums, etc. I spend an hour each morning writing my blogs and Amazon books, and then a further hour a day creating either free or paid content for my Rich Chick programs and other paid client programs. You can create a LOT more than what you think you can if you simply commit to daily action in this area. Most entrepreneurs faff around doing fuck all online most days and then complaining that they’re not making money or growing their list. She who creates most (from alignment and flow!) wins. Not sure where to start or how to do what you’re truly called for?

FIGURE IT OUT (and/or get help!)
Or give up.

3) Raise Your Money Vibration

We are all energetic beings and as such it’s foolish and even downright irresponsible to not pay attention to the daily messages you’re receiving from the world around you. Many wealth creators and entrepreneurs are still surrounded in their ‘normal world’ by partners, family, friends who have terrible beliefs and stories around money. This is NOT a good thing and not something you should expose yourself to any more than you have to. Nor should you feel obliged to try and impose your beliefs on to anybody else however if you care about those around them you will SHOW them there is another way by creating that way in your own life. However, this means you need to actively resist picking up on the fear, the negative energy, that the vast majority of people hold around money.

When it comes to being in the WRONG money environment I like to follow the 3 Blind Monkeys approach – cover my ears, my eyes and my mouth so that nothing seeps in! At the same time, actively seek to raise your money vibration. Become part of masterminds or online groups where the focus is on a positive money mindset and believing in more. Often this will mean finding money you don’t feel you have in order to join the right groups. Do it. Invest in YOU. My Rich Chick Mastermind is a perfect starting place and in fact mega affordable anyway.

Wealth tip: Surround yourself constantly with reminders that wealth is possible for anybody INCLUDING YOU. I don’t care how you do this but FIND A WAY. For me the most powerful has been becoming part of groups where others in the group think as I do and are often MORE successful than me, working with the right coaches or mentors, reading books about abundance and money mindset, listening to audios on wealth creation while walking or driving, and actively ignoring talk about scarcity or fear.

2) Visualisations, Affirmations and Afformations WORK, but there’s a catch.

I am a HUGE fan of using mental visualisation and written affirmations and afformations. An afformation is simply when you state an affirmation as though it’s already true, and often with a question, i.e. “Why is it that money flows so easily to me?!”.

When I was working daily on my money mindset, and to this day still, I used regular mental visualisation and written manifestation to attract wealth to me. The CATCH is that this alone is not going to cut it, even if you’re the very best affirmation writer in the world! It’s just one piece of the pie, and everything else we’re discussing here must also come into play. But it’s a POWERFUL piece nonetheless. In a way it’s really just like rote training your brain to be pointed towards positive financial outcomes rather than focused on fear and lack.

Wealth tip: Take 5-10 minutes each morning as part of your money work to write affirmations and afformations in your journal, or to visualise things such as living your ‘ideal perfect day’. Journaling is a very powerful way to do this, or you can go on what I call a meditative walk where you actively turn your mind towards wealth.

1) If It’s Not Feeling Fun, Loose, Free, It’s Not On

This is big.

I spoke to a client last night who wanted to set $20,000 as her money goal but was resisting it (even though it was her idea!). When I asked why, she spoke about it feeling too heavy, and too hard, and oppressive even. No wonder she’s not making that money! No wonder she is limiting her wealth reception when she has a belief that if she DID make a lot of money it would come at some great cost! Often we have these beliefs and ideas passed down from our parents, and it CAN be hard to break but only if you allow it to be. YOU ARE NOT YOUR PARENTS, and you are not ANY patterning you’ve received from others that you don’t CHOOSE to hold onto.

And you do choose, beautiful, so make a choice to ALLOW yourself to feel free, light, easy, loose around money … choose to believe that making money – a lot of it! – an be fun, and a joy. A year ago even I never would have believed this, but also nobody TOLD me. So I’m telling you – it CAN be. From personal experience I can tell you that anything you’re doing in your business or life to make money that feels TOUGH and HEAVY is not going to work. So walk away. And walk TOWARDS creating a business and life from a place of flow and joy, and do so with a concsious CHOICE to also allow money to flow to you.

Wealth tip: Pay attention to how your money making activities feel. If it feels oppressive, heavy, draining, it’s not going to create WEALTH. Money loves happiness – so just as you need to focus on making a difference not a dollar you also need to focus on creating wealth from a place of purpose and joy not from a place of fear and ‘must’.


katKat Loterzo

Author Bio

Kat Loterzo is an author, speaker and entrepreneur and would love to KICK YOUR ASS INTO ALIGNMENT and help you truly press PLAY on the business and life you were born for. Kat works with DRIVEN women who want it all, now, and are willing to go out and GET it all.

Kat writes a weekly column for The Huffington Post, runs events and retreats for women entrepreneurs all around the world, currently lives a ‘laptop life’ traveling endlessly with her husband and two young children, LOVES to write (and drink copious amounts of coffee or wine while doing so, either is fine!) and she has self-published over 15 Amazon best-selling books since early 2013.

Kat’s dream is to create a REVOLUTION of women willing to step into true PURPOSE, passion and FLOW and live a life COMPLETELY on their terms as they also empower others to do the same. Ready to join the revolution …

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