Let Out Clauses!

Every organisation tends to have what is known as a “Let out Clause” which includes Members of Parliament letters or emails which they send out in respond to a query they may receive.  Going round in circles like a crocodile does with its unfortunate victim – a death roll is not going to solve the problem.  It doesn’t matter how important the question is or report that has been sent, it is an automatic response which saves the recipient grace (e.g. in this case the MP).  Nobody stands on their own merit these days, but turns to their team of experts to come up with a plausible answer which doesn’t help.  In point of fact the email response is just full of “Let out Clauses!”


There is no mention at all of the case study subject that the report was about which is just typical and listed below are the let out clauses:


  1. As I’m sure you will understand I receive many emails, letters and phone calls each day and I will try to reply to you as quickly as possible.


  1.  I aim to respond to emails within five working days and I will prioritise urgent constituency casework. However, for more complicated enquiries this may take longer.


  1. If you send me a campaign email, I do read each and every one and they help inform my work in Parliament. Please do be aware that I can only respond to these when workload permits.


  1. Please note that if you copy me into an email, its contents will be noted but no further action will be taken unless it is part of a piece of ongoing casework.


  1. Please note that Parliamentary rules prevent an MP dealing with enquiries from another MP’s constituents.


In answer to number 5, the recipient of my email has only to read my columns in the newspapers I mentioned in my email to see that I am a resident of Eastbourne – no need to give my address as the subject I wrote is not about me – but the Carers that work tirelessly to keep their patients comfortable and more importantly alive!


Number 4 in the listing is about the biggest “COP OUT” of them all!


In my mind the response email is just full of feeble excuses and should read differently – there seems to be negativity in the email when it should be replaced with a positive reaction – I am not interested in what Members of Parliament can’t do in serving the public.  They are supposed to be helping and what with Covid-19 rife in the United Kingdom and with little more than twenty MP’s in the chamber, surely the rest must be working from home.


By the way I am still waiting for a reply to my email from the Member of Parliament who represents Eastbourne and Willingdon – must be a very slow reader!


Many times I have heard someone ask a question to an MP who never answers the question he is asked, but goes rambling on about something else that is nothing to do with the subject.  No wonder this government is on a rocky foundation!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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