Messing About With Your Mind!

When this person came onto our Television Screens in Britain’s Got Talent, I thought he was sure to be in the final – but NO!  It was someone wearing a very small white pair of pants as the “Wild Card!”  It was a very lame and feeble excuse made by one of the judges.  “We had to have him around.”  It was like as if he was a cosy fire and he warmed you up but it was enough to make one puke and I wondered why we had judges who couldn’t recognise real talent if it had bitten them on the nose, but of course this is only my own opinion.


The main reason for this show was to squeeze as many adverts as they could for people to buy goods or donate to charities they couldn’t afford to have and give during this national cost of living crisis.


The magician in question should have been in one place as you followed the script as logic would have you believe, but he turned up somewhere else and he certainly was messing around with everybody’s mind in that respect.  Perhaps the magician should come and un-hypnotise the judges minds back to normality.


Somewhere along the line, my taste of what I think is a good joke that would make me laugh has disappeared with modern times and this has changed so dramatically with the use of bad language which the comedian believes enhances the joke.  This of course does nothing of the sort and to perform in a public place, whether it would be an indoor venue or somewhere in the open-air where children can hear is not funny in both respects!


Remembering some of these venues do allow children to attend and if the subject of a joke is rather crude, perhaps that is where children get an un-intended lesson in bad language and if they think that adults can use it in a normal conversation, why can’t they?


Messing about with your mind is a magician’s trade mark and whoever he is, is very clever and usually can hypnotise everyone that is watching, even if they are watching on television.  There were two very good magicians on Britain’s Got Talent and they should be given a chance and we should encourage persons with real talent to carry on and not be discouraged.  They both proved they could do MAGIC!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.



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