Tory Party Leader wanting to make a name for himself in the Infamous Hall of Lies with the saying “I will fight to honour the will of people regarding BREXIT.”  A promise unlikely to be kept. Front page headline of Tory Newspaper which is a safety net way to go. Tory newspapers can make up stories to confuse the voters and that they were never promised anything, especially after three years of Labour Rule about BREXIT, which seems to be old hat anyway!


The aftermath of Tory Rule seems to leave a nasty taste in the mouth such as closing many established premises that served the community, especially the senior population that they who ruled promised to look after, but never did!

As an example the Tory Manifesto in Eastbourne which had been magnified on the front page of the local newspaper so the populace were able to read quite clearly stated:  “Keep our Roads and Pavements safe for drivers and pedestrians.”  That certainly never happened and we had to suffer the consequences of the TORY RULE again!


How many times have I seen statements from the local Tory MP boasting of gaining large sums of money for our roads and pavements to be repaired and not one penny was spent for something that was so important to every road user and every person who walked on our pavements!


How many millions were spent on unknown PROJECTS that even today the local Tories can’t give an answer to.


Concrete steps in Abbey Road, Eastbourne leading up to three premises need to have railings.  The steps are above the legal height that steps should be, having been built at the same time as the houses.  The Council refuse to do anything about, stating it is not their problem, even though there is numbered lamppost halfway up the path which must have been placed there when the steps were built.


Another problem:  Garages top of left hand side Abbey Road has been churned up by heavy vehicles and needs a new surface, the local council has stated it belongs to the people who live in those houses or does it!  Check the deeds to the premises first.  After all heavy vehicles do frequent that area and they certainly don’t belong to the householders!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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