Sharon Jurd joins the team at My Making Money Magazine

Sharon-Jurd-158-(1)Sharon is a highly respected International best-selling author as well as a seasoned Business Executive, Entrepreneur, Growth Strategist and Success Coach. She is passionate about helping people grow their business faster than the competition by living those business owners financial freedom, and the choice to live the life they deserve.

For more than 20 years, Sharon has worked, travelled, consulted and taught internationally, speaking to, motivating, delivering seminars, business coaching and mentoring in an impressive and informative format to show a proven formula to reach financial freedom and success. Thousands of people in Australia, New Zealand, England, France, Italy, United Arab Emirates, USA, and Canada has benefited and learned on how to create wealth and financial success making her an amazing speaker and business consultant. Her achievement and motivational programs plus articles published in newspapers and magazines nationally and internationally, have made her a sought after speaker and consultant on the international stage.

Sharon provides a wide range of experience in business materials including the International best-selling book “How to Grow Your Business Faster than your Competitor – The Secret to Freedom and Success in 5 Easy Steps.”, and other inspirational e-books that will revolutionize your way of growing your business fast and staying on top.

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