According to an official spokesperson of the LABOUR PARTY, the weather is to blame for the economic crisis.  Clutching at straws in a very strong wind is going to be the downfall of Sir Scrooge of this Parish. How forgetful Sir Scrooge who knowingly knew that almost all the Senior Persons living in this land voted for a change in Government as the last one proved to be a gathering of liars and cheats!  It looks like this Government is branded with the same brush, although a different colour.  Stabbing people in the back seems to be a favourite pastime for both parties.


Bang goes my WINTER FUEL PAYMENT and if I want to appeal against the Government’s decision, I need to fill in a TWENTY FOUR PAGE DOCUMENT giving suitable answers to the silly questions this Government has come up with.  Not making it easy for some Pensioners. But isn’t that the whole point of this TWENTY FOUR PAGE DOCUMENT?  Some people will not bother to fill it in, but I bet your bottom dollar that many greedy well off Pensioners with money in their banks will try and probably succeed – the OLD BOYS NETWORK!


It was common knowledge that (DC) now a LORD and his then side kick who many, many months ago went round the country trying to persuade in a brutal manner that people should not leave the EUROPEAN UNION and he threatened to resign as Prime Minister if this should fail, an excuse by a naughty boy who couldn’t get his own way and so it started the decline of his party.  For one vital thing he didn’t believe in FOOD BANKS, not a very humanitarian person.  Without these Food Banks many people would have starved and I am happy to report they are still open to anyone who is finding difficult to live!


Have people forgotten what had happened in the past and why we are in a mess today?  We have an unsympathetic Government making it even harder to survive.  All they seem to achieve is their own self-gratification and not to the people they are supposed to protect.  Look at the state of the roads and pavements.  With the Winter months ahead, many potholes have never been repaired and unlikely to be done according to local Councils.  I heard on the news that the Conservative party made a statement that it would be an impossible task and by all accounts most local Councils could be bankrupt in 2025 and so they are having to make stringent cuts to services.


More vehicles are going to be in garages being repaired because the Conservatives wouldn’t repair the ROADS AND PAVEMENTS in the FOURTEEN YEARS THEY WERE IN POWER!  Their MANIFESTO was to keep people safe!  GOT TO BE BIGGEST JOKE!


And now the Eastbourne Council are arguing whether to keep the local Town LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TOILETS OPEN or not.  Makes you wonder!


As far as services are concerned in Eastbourne, most of them were cut by the Conservatives a long time ago.  I understand the people living in Abbey Road got the flags out to wave when the vehicle that cleaned out the gutters arrived.


May I take this opportunity by wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and hopefully a Healthy and Happy New Year – 2025!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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