The Invisible Man and the Actor

Having viewed the latest Con advert and I do mean CON. It’s so perfectly delivered that the rehearsal time must have gone on practically all day and why wear that silly hat for a indoor interview.  I’m sure the Prime Minister would have made a quick visit and our actor friend had a look of surprise on his face when they had probably met before hand and then the BBC spliced it at the end.  Although the P M has been absent from Parliament for some time and only appeared today, and that date was the 26th February.  Funnily enough the same date of the advert.


An actor one can always look surprised having been trained how to be sad, miserable or surprised.  The Pundits state that his name is Tarquin – that could also be a made up name to confuse.


We now know where the Prime Minister has been – in some warm studio listening to some garbage from someone wearing a silly hat.  Perhaps he thought a nice warm studio was better than putting on wellington boots than going to say a few warm kind words to those people that have lost everything they possess so dear in the flood areas.


At least Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were funny, but if you’re a President or a Prime Minister, you’re not paid to be funny!  Has anybody told them that their positions are important to the countries they are supposed to be looking after and the people they are governing!


I was asked by a company to write to my local member of parliament about banning the “Reading Tax on E Books” – I would have done last year, but it has all changed now and Charlie Aerosol, our new Member of Parliament is about as useful as a chocolate teapot and all Charlie is interested in is getting a picture in the local newspaper.


Obviously you can rely on the CON PARTY creating different taxes – soon we’ll be carrying satchels on our backs full of fresh air – anyone breathing the natural air from the atmosphere will be fined a thousand pounds or go to prison for a year.  Mind you the way the world is being run that could happen anyway!


One of Spike Milligan’s sayings I readily concur as being true.   As he was going to enter an Asylum because he suffered with depression bouts – (we had those sort of places a long time ago) he stated “It’s not the people who frequent these buildings you have to worry about, it’s all those left outside who do all the damage!”


The names have been changed to protect the guilty!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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