What is THERE NOT to Understand?

People had forgotten about how they crowded on the beaches!  People had forgotten they went on holiday!  People had forgotten how they wandered around the streets with no masks on!  People forgot the two metre distancing!  People forgot how they crowded the café’s, restaurants and pubs!  People gathered for all sorts of reasons and now they are paying for the price of being foolish and some will with their lives!


You can’t blame the Government for your actions and now all you irresponsible people have put the NHS under pressure again, put the older generation and those with medical problems at risk just because you don’t like being told to do something sensible for a change.  We are now back to square one and the Government did warn the public that a second wave of the virus could be deadlier than the first if it got out of control and because some arrogant self-centred persons who for some inexplicable reason do not believe there is a virus are still flaunting the restrictions, and if none of these people do not comply to the measures that this government have laid down – I really can’t see an end to this pandemic.


Perhaps they would think it would be great to wipe out the whole human race, just like vandals who think nothing short of terrorising older persons because they dare not face someone of their own strength, shape and age!  These are the people who probably by no fault of their own have been brought up by ruthless parents who themselves, have had the same treatment and this does happen quite a lot.


The really younger generation I have met along the way tend to be more sensible and if anybody looked at the programme DIY SOS will know how real persons help other persons who have fallen on bad times with illnesses and other hardships and it is to those people that we should put our trust.  There are a lot of good people in this world and it is up to us to rally round and teach those that are ignorant to work with us and get this pandemic at an end by following the rules!


Having just heard the terrible news that a second wave of Covid-19 has swept other countries, I have to repeat my report to all those unbelievers and those not following the guidelines set out by the government who are systematically destroying the foundations and structures of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  IF and WHEN they come to their senses, this pandemic they don’t believe exists will slowly come to an end to more controllable conditions.  Of course this Corona virus won’t go away completely until a vaccine becomes available and persons will have to be patient and just follow the rules and I can’t see anything difficult in that instruction – but I suppose people don’t like being told what to do – but if it is going to save your life, it will be worth it in the long run!


The other young persons aged between 17 and 45 years will probably think they are immune to Covid-19 – well I don’t want to burst your bubble of confidence. But you are not – Covid-19 doesn’t care who it strikes and those who are 17 to 30 are putting schoolchildren in danger and those that are 31 to 45 are putting the older generation through hell.  If you want to catch Covid-19, don’t share it with anybody else, keep it to yourself!  It’s your choice!

This will not be the kind of suicide you will be hoping for:  High Temperature, Chest pains, Hacking Cough, No Taste, No Smell and Fighting for Breath which you persons up North are creating!


We all know that older people die of Influenza and pneumonia because some have complicated medical problems and when you unbelievers get to that stage in your lives and all those that don’t follow the rules also find themselves in hospital beds, what will be going through their minds.  None of these people have hindsight!



The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding the content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.


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