Who inspires you? Tell us and win a copy of The Entrepreneur

billionaires-collage-v2_650x455A book showcasing amazing entrepreneurs from all over the world is set to be launched next month.

The Entrepreneur spotlights 20 inspiring business leaders from a wide variety of industries and professions.

The Entrepreneur tells their uplifting stories of success and achievement and offers valuable and practical advice to those starting on the road to being their own boss.

The Entrepreneur is edited by My Making Money Magazine editor Kizzi Nkwocha.

Kizzi said: “This is probably the most inspiring business book ever produced. It proves that the KizziHiRes2entrepreneurial spirit is really the spark that lights up industry, commerce and fuels creativity. The 20 business leaders we’ve profiled are great examples of what we can all achieve if we believe and stay committed to our dreams.”

The Entrepreneur is published by Mithra Publishing.

To win a free paperback copy of The Entrepreneur signed by the editor, answer this question:

Who are the three entrepreneurs that inspire you most?

List their names from 1 – 3. The most interesting list wins.

Answers by email to: businesseditor@email.com

Competition closes June 1st 2015

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