Who Won The Last War, Daddy? We Did Son!

You wouldn’t think so!  The Conservative Party have left this country in a mess.  The local Conservative Members of Parliament have been telling “Porky Pies!” passed down by the head PRIME MINISTER!  I am sure there is another description for the word “PRIME” – “He certainly was past his Prime!”


The Government hadn’t passed any money down to the local Councils and therefore those who have inherited this TORY’S MESS will by next year face bankruptcy and of course there will be NO SERVICES FOR ANYBODY!  It is not just the Old Age Pensioners who will suffer who are the usual persons to feel the blunt end of Government Policies.


Most of the gallant men who fought in the last war, for our FREEDOM!  FREEDOM!! WHAT A JOKE!  Have gone, so they won’t know about the lies and cheating the TORY GOVERNMENT MP’s have been telling and practicing!


I have been told by a reliable source that the £19,000,000 boasted by a local person pretending to be a true Tory MP is apparently a load of twaddle, although this money has been given by a TORY MP to four projects, two of the projects I understand have been given elsewhere.  Methinks that stinks!

I also wonder about the new hospital that was promised to be built. (Another Joke!)


You would have thought that after fourteen years as leaders of this country, they could at least have done something positive.  Power and other people’s money must have gone to their heads and they must have thought, they were invincible and more importantly above the law!


Nothing done to the Roads, Pavements, People’s Safety, Hospitals, Nurses, Doctors, Patients, Carers, Care Homes I always wonder how people like that can sleep at night, knowing having promised to improve all of these important factors can blatantly ignore the situation. The worst failure of the Tories was Covid-19 Failure to protect thousands of people.


Now we have a LABOUR GOVERNMENT – can we expect a miracle to happen, not on your Nelly!  CUTS, CUTS, CUTS AND MORE CUTS!


Names have not been mentioned to protect the guilty!


The above is just my opinion and anyone who wants to write to me care of the newspaper regarding this content – please do so!  Swear words are not accepted.

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